Monday, March 8, 2010

Months later... :)

Hey everybody...if there's still an everybody...I'm awful with new posts, so here goes the first post in months! :)

Livy is almost 10 months old...her hobbies include; saying "oh", shrugging her shoulders, giggling, pointing and saying "Dadadadadada" over and over again when she gets excited. She's a ray of sunshine in our home and going to make an awesome big sister!

Speaking of being a big most of you well know by now...we're expecting another baby girl (due June 11th). :) Excited not to have to buy a bunch of new clothes and really excited to watch the 'sister' relationship unfold. :) Side note-- the pregnancy is going pretty well, just starting to feel a bit like a walrus these days! lol... :)

Steve and I have some small, but hopefully obtainable goals for our house this spring. Hoping to re-do the porch, get a new mailbox and such...hopefully all in time for Livy's 1st birthday bash! :)

Heading to Branson next weekend with family and then I'm off to Cleveland, TN for a girls' weekend on the 25th! Can't wait--though I'm sure to miss Livy!

Love to you all!